Description: Toombul Shire Hall is a heritage-listed brick and timber hall, located at 1141 Sandgate Road, Toombul.
Toombul Shire Hall is a heritage-listed brick and timber hall, located at 1141 Sandgate Road, Toombul. This venue is accessible by public transport, bus stop ‘Sandgate Road near Buckland Road, Stop 1’ is located 200 metres away from the hall. There is on-street parking along Danby Lane at the rear of the building.
At this venue all doors both internal and external are manual doors and are a minimum of 0.9 metres wide. Inside, all areas have vinyl flooring, except for the main hall and stage which are timber. Handrails and tactile ground surface indicators are provided on all entry stairs and accessible ramps at the venue. The main hall and meeting rooms are air-conditioned. All tables fold down and have wheels to make them easier to move and store.
The main entrance at the front of the hall can be accessed using an accessible ramp or the front steps. Entry to the hall is through grey double swing doors with glass panels. A swipe card is required for access, using the black card reader to the right of this door.
The main entry opens into a corridor with a brown and beige door on the left opening to Meeting Room 1, and a glass and aluminium door on the right opening to Meeting Room 2. At the end of the corridor is a glass and aluminium door opening to the main hall.
Meeting Room 1 requires a swipe card for access using the black card reader to the left of the entry door. This meeting room can accommodate up to 18 people. Tables and chairs are usually set up in the middle of the room. The meeting room has ceiling fans and two windows with blinds that are operated using a pulley system.
Meeting Room 2 requires a swipe card for access using the black card reader to the right of the entry door. This meeting room can accommodate up to 13 people. A brown and beige door on the left wall provides access to the second half of this meeting room. Tables and chairs are usually set up in the middle of the room. This meeting room has three windows with blinds that are operated using a pulley system.
The main hall requires a swipe card for access using the black card reader to the right of the entry door. The main hall accommodates up to 132 people.
Directly opposite the main hall entrance is a stage with piano, accessed using a set of three stairs at the front centre of the stage. The hall features an audio-visual system including a projector, speakers and induction hearing-loop system. Audio-visual controls are located in the backstage room to the right of the stage. There are ceiling fans throughout the main hall. Along the right wall are three overhead windows and a bank of glass louvres with blinds that are operated using a pulley system.
In the front right corner, adjacent to the stage, is a glass and aluminium door that leads to a corridor where chairs and tables are stored along the opposite wall. This chair and table storage corridor runs along the length of the hall, providing access between Meeting Room 2, the main hall, the amenities and the shared kitchen.
Along the left wall are three sets of beige double swing doors with glass panels that lead to a veranda. These doors have blinds that are operated using a pulley system. This veranda runs along the length of the hall, providing access between Meeting Room 1, the main hall, the amenities and the shared kitchen. In the front left corner of the hall, adjacent to the stage, is the main access point to the veranda through a glass and aluminium door. Exiting the main hall onto the veranda and turning to the right, after approximately seven metres is a brown door with a glass panel, which opens to the shared kitchen.
The kitchen includes a fridge with freezer, benchtop microwave, sink, dishwasher, boiling and chilled water tap, and a cooktop and oven for reheating food only. The sink and benches are not wheelchair accessible.
Immediately to the right of the kitchen entry is a brown and beige door which opens to the amenities corridor and backstage access. Entering the corridor, immediately to the right is a white sliding door that opens to the backstage stairs.
Along the left wall of the corridor are four white doors. The first opens to a dressing room. The second door opens to male toilets including one ambulant toilet with assistance rails. The third door opens to the unisex accessible toilet with right hand transfer.
The fourth door opens to female toilets including one ambulant toilet with assistance rails. All toilets feature braille signage adjacent to each door. Turning right at the end of the amenities corridor provides alternate access to the chair and table storage corridor.
This concludes the tour of the Toombul Shire Hall.